Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Big Brother -- a Week in Recap

I've never watched much reality TV before this year, but my roommate watches a lot of reality TV, so now I'm getting hooked. My gig is Project Runway, but for him, Big Brother is where it's at.

For those unfamiliar, I will just summarize that Big Brother is like MTV's The Real World, except people are voted out every week. Oh, and the show is on three times a week (Tues/Weds/Sun). The link for the latest season is here.

The interesting thing this season is that there are pairs, 'teams,' and everything is done in twos. Winning head of household, being nominated, and voted off. Everything in twos. What makes this interesting is that one real-life couple came on the show, and were paired with other people. And this week the couple was nominated, so regardless one would go home.

Thankfully the right decision was made. The girl (Jen), straight up, said, "Ryan [her boyfriend] is also a racist." Direct quote. Then lied to him about saying that. You don't think he'll watch this show eventually? Also Jen's partner, Parker, was just an idiot, so them being eliminated is good.

What's funny about this season is that there isn't a single pair in which both people are reasonable and likable. I really like Allison (Ryan's partner), but Ryan sucks.

Hopefully next week Amanda will go home. Watch the show for ten minutes and you will understand why. Not only does she have an annoying voice, but she talks more than anyone else. But right now everyone hates her, so maybe next week I'll be happy. Check back to see if I am.

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