Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Links Of The Week....

Im introducing my links of the week. It will be a semi-regular feature, hopefully more regular than semi.

this week, I will feature sites i thought were really awesome back when i first discovered the internet, sometime around 1997-1998.

i remember first going to this website in 8th grade...back when the internet was made out of popsicle sticks and Al Gore's ectoplasm. On this site you put in your details and it spits out the exact day you are going to die.
And you can plan the rest of your life, knowing that crucial piece of information. Because it tells you exactly when YOU WILL DIE. It's foolproof. Say goodbye to me in May of 2059...after a GREAT life. Don't live everyday like its your's tacky, it doesn't suit you. Its just a tiny bit over the top, and it's a lame excuse for alcoholism.

I spent many an hour at school on this site,playing some sort of mini-golf that had snow in it or something. Also some time was spent doing some sort of bowling with penguins or something. Candystand is a site of games, suited for people around the age of 12 or so.

The nice thing about Candystand is that no matter what games you play (and there are lots of them on there, even today) they somehow sneak product placement into it. Sneak is maybe a misnomer, it's blatent. The whole site is a thinly veiled candy advertisement.
So while you may be, at a surface level, playing some road racing game, the good news is that you will be racing on a road of jolly ranchers in a truck made out of creamsicles.

And the best news?...this site is still awesome.

i know you probably don't want to follow this link, because it takes you back 10 years to internet hell. Remember when instead of actually having the real internet, you had the fake miniature internet and didn't know the width and breadth that laid beyond those barred doors. At age 12, I actually thought AOL was the internet. Thats like thinking that hot dogs are the only meat on earth. Hot Dogs! Hot Dog is the leftovers of the rest pig.
AOL is the internet's offal.

Yeah, It had it's positive bits. Instant messenger changed my life. Never again would i have to awkwardly call a girl. Instead, I could make awkward conversations on the internet. It turned a whole generation of boys into internet casanovas. We would regret this about 3 years later when it became prudent to take the relationships out of the chat rooms and on to the streets.

But, seriously, if you exist right now...and your email address ends at either havent checked your email since 1999 or you only eat hot dogs. mmmmm, mustard.

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